
Krista Wolfe

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Administrative assistant facts

Admins really are asked to do it all. This fact and many other interesting tidbits came to light in our recent office admin survey.  Several administrative assistant facts confirm what people generally assume to be true. That is, if you’re an admin you’re probably a woman. What’s more, you likely juggle many roles, especially if you work at a small business. These roles most often include budgeting, payroll, human resources and, increasingly, social media manager. In these varied roles, the office admin survey respondents said they do lots of jobs. The most common tasks were to manage calendars, plan meetings, prepare reports and screen calls.

A couple of administrative assistant facts that popped up might surprise you. For instance, 42% of admins have been in their position for six or more years. So if you’re an admin, you belong to a very experienced office sub-segment. The office admin survey also revealed an increasing workload for these key contributors. Only 5% of respondents said their workload decreased. Sixty percent said their workload increased. What’s more, 16% claimed their workloads have increased substantially.

You can find more details on these and other administrative assistant facts in the survey below. Feel free to share with your network and spread the word: administrative assistants and office managers keep the modern office running smooth!

Admin Infographic

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