
Andrey Kolesnikov

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How to keep a planner for maximum organization

It becomes difficult to plan the day when there are dozens of projects to be done. Keeping a well-designed planner gives you control over demanding projects and tasks. Knowing how to organize a planner is key for any functioning worker. After purchasing a weekly planner, which covers the following year, you must go through steps to create its content; such as addressing all future tasks, creating a daily routine and breaking down large projects. In taking the time to keep a planner, you improve your time management and quality of work.

All projects

Before deciding how to disperse tasks for the week, you must make a list of all projects that need to be done in the near future. Title this list, “All Projects.” Write the list in the upper right-hand corner of your weekly planner, apart from daily tasks, and assign a deadline-date next to each project. Since it is likely to be a long list, the timeline will help prioritize the projects. By doing this, you have a broad view of the week, month or year. Creating a timeline for the list also allows you to be proactive. You will constantly acknowledge every project without feeling the direct need to complete them, alleviating pressure and allowing your focus to remain on daily tasks. Continue to write all of your projects in the planner each week, excluding tasks that have been completed and crossed off. Only cross a project off when it is entirely completed.

Daily routines

Recognize what tasks needs to be done routinely for long-term success. Write a list of set tasks that will be completed each day of the work week, in addition to your daily work. This routine will create a general pace for the day. In fact, human beings thrive on routine. Write these tasks on the right-hand side of each day’s space in the planner. Title this list, “Daily Routine.” These tasks can be work related, personal or both. It is objective from person to person, from reading and writing emails as soon as you sit at your desk to meditating at the start of each day. Keep each of these tasks scheduled consistently every day. Cross the tasks off as they are completed. Naturally, the routine will become habit. This will promote beneficial productivity.

Breaking down large projects

Large projects can be overwhelming if they are not broken down. Breaking a project into manageable tasks is crucial to efficiently executing a project. Choose a project from your “All Projects” list that must be completed soonest or needs the most time to be completed. Write all tasks that will need to be done in order for the project to be complete. Assign a timeline to the tasks. Write a manageable number of tasks on each day of the planner. These will become your daily tasks. This will give you an idea of how the week will look, according to the project. Always leave enough time for unexpected events.

Daily tasks

Select a handful of tasks to be completed during the day, in addition to the daily routine. These tasks are a combination of small projects and the tasks broken down from large projects in your “All Projects” list. Write these tasks under each day in your weekly planner. They should take up each work day and have your full devotion. Do not do more work than assigned for each day unless it is necessary. Cross the tasks off as they are completed. Include meetings, events and time commitments at the bottom of each day’s tasks.

Unexpected events

Unexpected work and/or time restrictions are common in the workplace. If it looks as though important daily tasks may be compromised, look to your timelines to see what other tasks can be put aside for later. You may also choose to omit some tasks from “Daily Routines,” if they are not critical to the day. Since you have already left time between start date and deadline for your projects, there should be enough time to account for these unexpected events.

Using these methods to organize projects, tasks and events will allow you to work more comfortably and successfully. An individual planner is vital to handling tasks in the workplace. If you keep a well-designed planner, then being successful should come naturally!

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